In the field of Hazardous Waste management, accounted for over $40B annual global expenditure, Halogenated waste stands out as a particularly challenging by-product. Historically, its treatment options have been limited and often not environmentally friendly or cost-effective. AST is pioneering a game-changing disruptive approach, specifically targeting the untapped market of Hazardous Waste Recycling. Set to be located in Israel serving an industrial zone that produces hazardous waste, this project stands as a hallmark of innovation and sustainability.

Evolving Industry Standards

AST has embarked on a groundbreaking initiative by developing a specialized recovery plant tailored specifically for Halogenated Hazardous waste. This unique system not only safely manages the waste but also efficiently recycles it. The result is a trailblazing process that has piqued the interest and validation of leading chemical companies worldwide.

Transforming Hazardous Waste into Valuable Assets

While most see hazardous waste as a liability, our innovative process recognizes and unlocks its latent value. By treating hazardous waste at the source, we are capable of recycling and extracting valuable raw materials, transforming the waste into an asset that can be reintroduced into industrial applications.

Multi-faceted Benefits: Economic and Environmental

AST’s Halogenated Waste Recycling Project is a leap forward in hazardous waste management. It not only fulfills an unmet need in a niche market but also offers an array of advantages over conventional methods.

AST’s innovative approach generates an additional revenue stream by producing energy from the residual materials, making the project financially attractive.

The project offers a cost-effective solution for hazardous waste management, converting what is traditionally a cost center into a profit-generating operation.

Our pioneering approach isn't just theoretical. The method has undergone rigorous testing and has been validated by some of the world's foremost chemical companies. Their backing is a testament to the efficiency, safety, and revolutionary potential of this project.

The project taps into the unrealized potential of converting hazardous waste into valuable raw materials and energy, effectively turning waste into wealth.

By employing state-of-the-art technology, diverting hazardous waste from landfills, we reduce the environmental footprint of the production plant, aligning with global standards and regulations.

Through this initiative, we provide industries with the means to manage waste responsibly while also contributing to their bottom line.